Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026

Our History
23 September 2020
Our Staff & Board
23 September 2020
Our History
23 September 2020
Our Staff & Board
23 September 2020

Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026

Our vision

is of a society built on a foundation of meaningful, sustainable relationships where equality, inclusion and social justice are reflected in the lives of all of its people.

Our mission

is to engage civic society in dialogue and training that builds consensus on divisive social issues and builds progress towards a shared, inclusive, participative and sustainable future. 

Our aims

One.To reinvigorate and develop an efficient and reflective learning organisation.
Two.To deliver creative dialogues and training that challenge attitudes and behaviours leading to conflict and embed peace building attitudes, skills and behaviours.
Three.Develop and maintain a team of dialogue practitioners
Four.To ensure the sustainability of CD into the future.

You can view our full plan here

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