Sons of Ulster Loyalist Flute Band Project

“Galvanising the Peace”
3 October 2020
churches project
“Churches Leadership Programme”, Antrim Newtownabbey Council and “DARE to Lead Change” Programme
3 October 2020
“Galvanising the Peace”
3 October 2020
women on the margins
“Women on the Margins of Peace” 2017-2018
3 October 2020

Community Dialogue, in conjunction with Towards Understanding and Healing, engaged a well known jazz musician, Sid Peacock, to work with members of the Sons of Ulster Loyalist Flute Band which enabled them to perform at the City of Derry Jazz Festival.

The project enabled a group of musicians from a Loyalist flute band to engage in a project which helped to break down negative perceptions of Loyalist flute bands and provided an opportunity for members of the band to diversify their musical repertoire and perform publicly to audiences who would not normally have engaged with their music and culture.

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