As part of our work Community Dialogue is committed to sharing insights and knowledge with our partners and others we work with. Below you will find a series of Programme Reports, Publications and Dialogue Guides. If you would like to know more, redistribute or cite our materials, please contact

Launch of Galvanising the Peace – Report 2017
1 25 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
CFNI Brexit Report 2017
1 15 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Community Dialogue Report to NATO 2016
1 32 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Women & Sectarianism in NI Report 2015
1 18 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Cartoons in Conflict Dialogue – Je Suis Charlie – Executive Report 2015
1 26 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
The Protestant Experience – Uncomfortable Truths Dialogue Report 2014
1 25 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Where are we Post-Haas – residential Report 2014
1 17 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Creative Dialogue International Workshop Report 2014
1 20 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Theatre of Oppressed Programme Report 2012
1 21 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
Increasing the Peace Stanford University Dialogues 2001
1 14 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022
What if the Review Fails – Conference Report 1999
1 15 downloads
Reports July 4, 2022