“The Peace Process According to Women Phase II (PPAW)”
Community Dialogue’s new Gender Justice programme builds on Phase I of the PPAW programme, which was funded by the Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade and in partnership with Women’s Information Northern Ireland. PPAW explores the role of the Good Friday Agreement and how it impacts on women. It also set out to make women more visible in the peace process. To explore the past, present and what next in terms of the women’s experience of the peace process and to create a sharing space for women to explore key issues that affect them.
Due to the impacts of Covid-19 there was a pause in the delivery of these events. The programme resumed online activities in April 2021.
Developed by Anne Carr, The Peace Process According to Women follows the RAP process:
Reflection, Acknowledgement and Pushing for Progress.
1. Reflection: to provide opportunities for women of all ages and backgrounds to come together and develop a better understanding of the particular role women have played in the peace process -since the early days of the “troubles” right through to the current day. Campaigning for a rights-based society, gender justice, freedom from all forms of violence and discrimination and an equal and shared and inclusive future. Keeping societies together through the most difficult times, campaigning throughout those years for social justice, an end to sectarianism, support for victims and survivors, challenging discrimination and demanding an end to violence.
2. Acknowledgement: To build understanding of the timeline and processes we as a society have moved through in that journey using timeline materials, film, unpacking specific agreements reached and processes put in place along the way.
3. Push for Progress: Provide time and space for women to share through lived experiences, the issues causing most concern today – including health, housing, family, financial security, coercive control, sectarianism, paramilitary control etc. The RAP Workshops are followed by an Information Sharing Workshop where, depending on the most pressing issues raised by the women, representatives from specific women’s support organisations will provide information on support available.
Phase II is supported by Comic Relief, through Community Foundation for Northern Ireland.
To read the poem “The Peace Process According to Women”, click here